Incorporating Medicine Balls and Wall Balls into Exercise 

Weighted Balls

Weighted balls

Medicine Balls and Wall Balls help with adding variety to both training and rehabilitation. Among the products that have recently roused the interest of exercise enthusiast all over the world are workout balls.

Workout balls are very versatile tools, and virtually everyone can use them. There are various types of workout balls the most widely used being medicine balls, wall balls, and slam balls. Herein is an overview of the benefits of using medicine balls and wall balls as exercise accessories.

The Difference between Medicine Balls and Wall Balls

The differences between the various types of workout balls can be very confusing. This is due to the fact that most people refer to them interchangeably. They also generally look the same. Medicine balls and wall balls are very similar, but the difference lies in the way they are used. Medicine balls come in different weight gradations and have a good hand grip on the ball. They are hard and evenly weighted.

Medicine balls are great for throwing, catching and swinging since they can bounce. Wall balls are slightly larger than medicine balls and slam balls. They are made from a slightly softer material and bear a slight bounce to them. They come in a variety of weight ranges so you can start off slightly light and go real heavy. The main structural difference between a wall ball and a regular medicine ball is the material and size.

Benefits of Medicine Ball Exercises

Medicine balls are ideal and effective for all-around workouts. You can use them for abdominal and core exercises as well as a variety of different exercises. It is also great for workouts involving a partner or team as you can use it with other people.

Below are some reasons why you should integrate it into your workout routine

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1. Challenges Your Core

Most people tend to have weak cores. A medicine ball is a perfect tool for adding resistance to abdominal and core exercises. Holding a medicine ball while doing your crunches, twists, V-ups, and squats is going to make these core exercises more intense.

The different weight variations mean that you can progress gradually as your body adapts and requires more resistance. Using a medicine ball is better for these dynamic movements than machines, which limit your range of motion.

2. Can Improve Explosive power

Explosive strength refers to the ability to exert maximum force over a short time period. Medicine balls are great for building explosive power: a quality that is essential particularly for sports performance.

You can apply explosive strength for sprinting, jumping, kicking, throwing and leaping off the ground. Training that involves moving weight faster can make you more explosive. Medicine balls are excellent for increasing force production.

3. Utilizes Multiple Planes of Movement

With medicine balls, you can replicate the movements found in many sports that are absent in some exercises (strength training exercises). A medicine ball will help you engage the whole body through multiple planes of movements including frontal, transverse and sagittal planes.

The Benefits of Wall Ball Exercises

Wall ball exercises entail nearly all joints and engage several muscle groups all at once. The muscles worked include quadriceps, hamstrings, abdominals, shoulders, lats, gluteals, erectors and triceps.

Below are some benefits of performing exercises that utilize the wall ball.

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1. Increase in Upper Body Stamina

Repeatedly launching a weighted ball high into the air with eccentric contraction while you catch it is very demanding. However, it does wonders for your stamina. An increase in upper body stamina can help you greatly in competitive sports such as swimming, boxing, and basketball.

2. Helps with Midline Stability

Midline stability and control are essential in nearly all the movement you do in life, sports and fitness. There are several advantages to being able to control your midline via proper posture, core strength, and diaphragmatic breathing.

The advantages include increased explosive power, endurance, strength and work output. Front loaded movements that utilize the wall ball help in reinforcing the right midline mechanics. They will also improve your ability to stay stable and strong under fatigue.

There are many other fitness benefits of performing exercises with medicine and wall balls. It is worth noting that the best weight to use is one that does not reduce your control but is sufficiently heavy to slow your movements. These workout accessories are inexpensive, portable, safe, fun and highly versatile.

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