Resistancetraining is any exercise that causes your muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increasing muscle mass, strength and/or endurance.
A gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by itself. When rotating, the orientation of this axis is unaffected by tilting or rotation of the mounting, according to the conservation of angular momentum. Because of this, gyroscopes are used for measuring or maintaining orientation.
Place the string tip in the hole on the router of the gyro. Hold the gyro with one hand and firmly push the string around the router until it goes around one full time. (MAKE SURE THE STRING IS NOT LOOSE). Put the gyro in the palm of your hand with the router and string facing down to the floor, pull the string really fast straight down (DO NOT PULL THE STRING TO THE SIDE) once the string is pulled start right away rotating your wrist (NOT YOUR WHOLE ARM) just your wrist in a circular motion (LIKE YOUR STEERING SOMETHING) You have to feel the Rhythm of the gyro and push it. YOU WANT TO FEEL THE RESISTANCE. the faster you spin the gyro the more resistance you will create.
Hold the gyro with the router face up so that you can see the center of the router. (YOU WANT THE PRESSURE AND SPEED JUST LIKE IF YOU SNAPED YOUR FINGERS TOGETHER) You’re going to use your thumb place your thumb on the shell of the gyro right before the router, push down on the shell and flow right over the top of the router, start rotating your wrist right away.(NOT YOUR WHOLE ARM) just your wrist in a circular motion (LIKE YOUR STEERING SOMETHING) You have to feel the Rhythm of the gyro and push it. YOU WANT TO FEEL THE RESISTANCE. the faster you spin the gyro the more resistance you will create.